
Revision as of 00:21, 11 December 2023 by 44cckw (talk | contribs)

EvilPoopMan is an account that has been used by various players on the server throughout history, most notably Norbert011 and Revert, making its first apperance on 28 March 2022.

File:EvilPoopMan Skin.png
Joined28 March 2022


Duels against Raddicted

On 23 September 2022, Norbert would join with the account EvilPoopMan and challenge raddicted to a duel at the Fencepost. Whomever would win the duel; would gain control over Paris.

  EvilPoopMan  : Im going to 1v1 raddicted, the biggest antipoopist
  EvilPoopMan  : whoever wins controls Paris
  EvilPoopMan  : rules: no armor, weapons, no food
  raddicted    : if shit and bread is allowed
  raddicted    : then redstone is allowed
  EvilPoopMan  : fine
  EvilPoopMan  : my only weakness

raddicted accepted the duel, and would subsequently fight EvilPoopMan over several matches. raddicted would come out victorious in the end, and EvilPoopMan would self-exile from the server in shame. This event was captured on camera by 44cckw, and can be watched on YouTube.

Months later, on 26 November 2022, EvilPoopMan and raddicted would have an argument, leading to the two dueling once again.

raddicted and EvilPoopMan had fought, and after a long, continuous battle, raddicted would have beaten EvilPoopMan a second time, being the only one on the server to due so.

Duels against CalmCreeper360