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From BetaOnline Wiki
Joined7 March 2022
Alternative AccountsEvilPoopMan


Wiki UserUser:Norbert011 User:UNATCO

"Quote goes here."

 Revert saying some dumb shit.

Norbert011 was an old Betaonline player. A controversial name today, he is most well-known for being one of the main contributors to the server in its early history, spanning form March 2022 to June 2023. Together with raddicted, he founded the nation of Paris and quickly made his name known on the server by building many famous and iconic landmarks, such as the Paris Mansion, the Paris Sawmill, the Paris Bakery and contributing to numerous other builds. He also participated in most of the server's largest events and was a central figure in the Dupe War, the Pumpkin Bandit Conflict and the Parisian Civil War.

Although Norbert would play normally for the most part, he is infamous on the server for his controversial actions and allegiances during the EvilPoopMan's Reign and the June of Chaos. Using the alternate accounts EvilPoopMan and UNATCO as plausible deniability, he would commit numerous crimes such as duping and griefing throughout his time on the server, particularly against CalmCreeper360.[1][2] This spiral of violence finally reached its boiling point after the Chaos went out of hand, leading him to being permanently banned from the server in June 2023.





  1. Message sent by CalmCreeper360 in #reports. Betaonline Discord server. Retrieved 9. June 2024.
  2. Message sent by CalmCreeper360 in #member-general. Betaonline Discord server. Retrieved 9. June 2024.