Castle Wars

From BetaOnline Wiki

Castle Wars is a series of tower defense minigames hosted by AlphaPlayer5345.


The game is simple, however rules may change from game to game. The game consists of capture the flag, where teams take turns attacking each others castle. The attacking team wins if they destroy the defenders bed, and the defenders win by killing the attackers. All players have one life every round; if they die, they are out of the round and need to wait for the next round to begin.

First Castle Wars[edit]

Castle Wars
DateMarch 2022
LocationSouth-east of raddicted and Wemboz_1's Territory
Participants AlphaPlayer5345, File:Head FinC121.png FinsCon,  Norbert011,  raddicted

The first castle wars was held during March 2022. It was hosted by AlphaPlayer5345, who at the time went under the name Builder543645. It was finished quickly, mainly due to the low player count of the server. Notable participants included Norbert011, raddicted, FinsCon and Alpha himself.

The remnants of the first castle war can still be found. It is located south-east of raddicted and Wemboz_1's Territory.

Second Castle Wars[edit]

Castle Wars
Date14 October 2022
LocationSouth of Oak Hills, east of Mopeville
Participants 44cckw,  AlphaPlayer5345,  Norbert011,  TriKhazan

The second castle wars was held on 14 October 2022.

The teams consisted of 44cckw and Trikhazan on the first team, with Alpha and Norbert on the second team. The game lasted for approximately 30 minutes. Trikhazan and 44cckw decided to go with a more traditional castle, while Alpha and Norbert made an elaborate castle, including a sand trap with a large pit. Alpha and Norbert won the battle, beating 44cckw and Trikhazan 3-1.