StickyEXP was an early betaonline player. While a largely forgotten figure today, he is notable for being the first player to join the server, as well as being the first to get banned, after griefing Mope222's house multiple times.

Joined6 March 2022

History Edit

Early History Edit

StickyEXP first joined the server on 6 March 2022, and would be the first player to do so. While he never built a base, he would use the area surrounding the Paris Hole as his main area of operation.

Sticky's Demise Edit

Sticky would begin to annoy other players on 8 March 2022. While sleeping, he would begin to spam Z's in the chat and being intentionally disruptive.

  StickyEXP  : zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  44cckw     : sticky shut up
  Mope222    : STICKY STOP
  Norbert011 : he's sleeping
File:Head FinC121.png FinsCon    : hes sleepwalking smh
  Norbert011 : real

Sticky would also at one point decapitate Mr. Tree, which sat right beside Mope's mudhole. However, Sticky crossed the line when he would abuse the buggy LWC plugin, and break into Mope's mudhole constantly and steal Mope's items from his chests.

  Mope222    : STICKY STEALED
  44cckw     : sticky give back or ban

StickyEXP was banned on 21:32, 8 March 2022.