
From BetaOnline Wiki
Revision as of 15:25, 7 April 2024 by 44cckw (talk | contribs)
VersionRelease 1.0
IP51.68.21.104:25605 (2022) (2023)
The server being offline.

ReleaseOnline was a Minecraft server for version release 1.0. It was noted for being extremely similar to Betaonline, with the logo almost being identical. However, the server was not run or endorsed by 44cckw. Due to the similarities with Betaonline, the server was frequently a target of harmless jokes by the Betaonline community.

Releaseonline was first discovered by 44cckw on the Betacraft server listing on 1 June 2022, but went offline the same day. The server resurfaced some time in February 2023. During March 2023 the server was hit by an attack committed by Revert, who proceeded to unsuccessfully try and grief builds on the server. Although the attack was not endorsed or called for by 44cckw, it damaged relations between Betaonline and Releaseonline. Releaseonline went down for the final time during May 2023, and has not resurfaced since.

The server is notable for partially inspiring the temporary AdventureOnline server.


  • Attention everybody: There is a server going around named 'BetaOnline' that is COPYING ReleaseOnline!