Paris Hole

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Revision as of 22:30, 8 January 2023 by 44cckw (talk | contribs)
Paris Hole
The second nomad hut in Oak Hills.
Owner 44cckw (de-jure), None (de-facto)[Notes 1]
BuildersMultiple[Notes 2]
Started6 March 2022
CoordinatesX:?, Y:?, Z:?

The Paris Hole is a large mine-shaft located in Paris. It is one of the server's oldest 'builds', next to Mope222's House and the Mac House.


Early History

The Paris Hole was first dug out by 44cckw on 6 March 2022, before the server went public. At this point in time, the area was not known as Paris. 44cckw had originally planned to build his house next to the hole, and had even set up his chests there, but was forced to abandon that idea when Mope222 began building his mudhole there on 7 March 2022. While 44cckw moved away from the region and established his base at a completely different spot, he never officially gave up his ownership of the hole. However, he allowed people to use it freely. The hole would from then on be mainly used by inhabitants of Harbor department, now known has Paris.

Late History

While 44cckw's ownership of the Paris Hole was never revoked, it quickly fell out and was ignored. In August 2022, the hole was turned into private property with only Niggas in Paris being allowed entrance. This was done without 44cckw's permission. The original entrance to the Paris Hole was also patched up with dirt. The reasoning behind this was due to it being too close to Paris Mansion. Instead, an entrance comprising of a staircase was dug out south of raddicted's House. A mushroom farm was constructed in the Paris Hole, which supplies the massive Paris Stew economy. Rumors of secret projects and experiments occurring inside the hole was leaked in October 2022, but the evidence of this has been shoddy at best.


There are multiple builds inside of the Paris Hole.




  1. While 44cckw is technically the owner of the Paris Hole, due to him originally creating it back in 6 March 2022, it is in reality a public mineshaft that everyone can use. 44cckw has not attempted to assert any authority over the Paris Hole either, and some has pointed out that he at one point 'gifted it to Paris', though this claim is disputed.
  2. Due to the Paris' Hole nature of being a public mineshaft, many players throughout history has used it for various purposes.