Mountain House

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Revision as of 19:06, 19 October 2022 by 44cckw (talk | contribs)
Mountain House
Builders AlphaPlayer5345,  Revert
CoordinatesX:?, Y:?, Z:?

The Mountain House is the name given to the house that sits on top of the mountain south of the oil rig. It is located inside of raddicted and Wemboz_1's territory.


The house was originally built by Builder543645 (now known as AlphaPlayer5345) for Revert. Revert promised to give builder a few diamonds for the contruction of this house, but he ended up never paying for it. Revert used the house as his base of operations during March-April. A huge lavacast sat right beside the house from 3-17 April 2022, created by Revert. This was eventually worldedited out by 44cckw, after Revert was banned for duping.

After the banning of Revert, the house has remained abandoned and unfinished.