Mope Hill

From BetaOnline Wiki
Overview of Mope Hill. 19 January 2023.

Mope Hill is a hillside located in the Parisian district Betaleaf Jungle, close to Spawn. It is Paris' second highest peak, after Mt. Craft. The hill is named after Mope222.


Before the name Mope Hill came around, the area was commonly known as Shroom Hill, due to the large amounts of brown mushrooms growing in the area.

The term "Mope Hill" was first used by raddicted on 18 September 2022, when he and 44cckw explored the area. The name stuck around, and was officially taken into use by 44cckw, who placed a sign with the name on top of the hill some time in October 2022. Why exactly the name "Mope" hill was taken into use, is currently unknown; Mope222 was never observed in the region prior to it's naming.



While being close to Spawn, it took some time for player activity to reach the region. raddicted's Spawn Bunker was built at the Mope Hill beach sometime in early 2022. The Beta 1.7.3 Sign was also built at an unknown point in late 2022, possibly early 2023.


The player UnevenRobin became the first player on the server to permanently settle in the region, creating his house on top of Mope Hill on 7 January 2024.






See Also[edit]