L'île du Roi

From BetaOnline Wiki
Revision as of 21:40, 20 January 2024 by 44cckw (talk | contribs)

L'île du Roi, also known as King's Island, is a large island situated in the north-east, bordering Paris.




The first recorded player activity occurred on the island during the Dupe War, as 46mm would hide one of his many dupe stashes here. This stash was discovered by Norbert011 some time in 2022.

A spawner was discovered on the western side of the island by Norbert, which prompted the colonization of the island. The island was claimed and incorporated into Paris in December 2022 as a district. Although nominally part of Paris, no activity or builds was constructed by Parisian citizens on the island during this time. In late 2022 or early 2023, Tsar_Boris tried to build his town Villa del Rey on the island, which caused conflict with Norbert, due to him unlawfully building on Parisian territory, leading Boris to quickly abandon this idea and left the island shortly afterwards.

Following Norbert's ban fron the server after the June of Chaos, L'île du Roi was disbanded as a Parisian district after the Parisian Reforms in October 2023, and became unclaimed land once more.

Permanent settlement