From BetaOnline Wiki

Frequently Asked Questions[edit]

Some questions players tend to ask.

Does the server have protection against griefing?[edit]

We do not have direct protection other than the building permission-system, but we have plugins in place to detect griefs, locate the griefer, and rollback damages.

Somebody stole something from me, can you ban them?[edit]

Unless they somehow managed to bypass Lockette, we won't. It is your own responsibility to keep your items locked. If somebody 'steals' from an unprotected chest, it's your fault.

Where is the server hosted?[edit]

Datacenter is located in England, UK.

Is duping illegal?[edit]

Yes, duping breaks our rule against bug exploiting. If you dupe you will be banned. However, we won't punish normal players that stumble across a dupe stash.

Somebody said something mean to me, can you ban them?[edit]

Words on our server can't get you banned. We support freedom of speech and it is one of our core values, unlike most other servers. If you can't handle mean words, you shouldn't be on the internet.

What is the world seed?[edit]


Server IP/Discord/Reddit?[edit]