Bug Abuse

From BetaOnline Wiki

Abusing bugs, present in both vanilla Minecraft and server plugins, are strictly prohibited.


Here is some examples of what the server would count as bug abuse:

  • Abusing bugs present in vanilla Minecraft, e.g.:
    • Using duplication glitches to gain items.
  • Abusing bugs present in server plugins, e.g.:
    • Bypassing the Lockette plugin that locks doors and chests;
    • Bypassing the building permission system.

Please note that this list is not complete. These are just some common examples.

What is not Bug Abusing?[edit]

Due to popular demand by the playerbase, and their relatively harmlessness, there are certain bugs present in vanilla Minecraft that is allowed to execute/recreate on the server:

  • Creating 6-sided pistons, slabs, etc.
  • Changing the ID of blocks such as wool with special redstone machinery.
  • Breaking bedrock.