Creeper Town

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Creeper Town or Creepertown is a small settlement. The town was founded by creeperrq3 in March 2022. creeperr invited many of his Polish-speaking friends to Betaonline, and they would use Creeper Town as their base of operations. Members of this group rarely interacted with the rest of the server, and was very isolationist.

Creeper Town
Founder creeperrq3
DateMarch 2022
CoordinatesX:120, Y:70, Z:840

Due to creeperrq3 and the rest of the inhabitants of Creeper Town leaving the server, much of the history of the base has been lost to time. Few screenshots from March 2022 has survived, and details surrounding the town is mostly undocumented, due to its isolation from the rest of the server.

Etymology Edit

Throughout Betaonline history, the settlement of Creeper Town has gone by multiple names. There is no documented case of creeperrq3 or any of the early Polish players using an official name for the base. However, notably Norbert011 and raddicted would begin to call the area Creeper Town, named after it's founder creeperrq3. 44cckw on the other hand, would name the town Nowa Polska, literally meaning "New Poland". This name would also be used for the warp that the base previously had. Both of these names would be used for the town interchangeably, though Creeper Town eventually became the favored term, with Nowa Polska being completely phased out at the end of 2022.

History Edit

Creeper Town started off as a small base, founded by creeperrq3 in early March 2022. This region functioned as a haven for a large part of the server's early Polish speaking population. Notable members of the settlement includes ENDERMANEK6969, SeulPLmine2000 and pelzacz_JP100, all of which rarely interacted with the rest of the server. creeperr would record several videos during this time and upload it to YouTube, though these videos has since been privated/unlisted.

Creeper Town and its inhabitants were incredibly isolationist and members rarely spoke English or even interacted with the rest of the Betaonline community. Due to the Dynmap regularly breaking throughout the town's heyday, the precise location of Creeper Town and other secluded settlements was not known to the general public of the server. An obsidian pillar placed in the Public Desert worked as a wayfinder to foreign travelers who wished to see the town with their own eyes.

After creeperrq3 and the other Polish players quit Betaonline during the Dark Age, the town has seen no futher progress or additions, making this town one of the most well-preserved remntants of the server's early history.

Trivia Edit

  • Creeper Town previously had a warp. You could access it using the command /warp nowapolska.

Gallery Edit

2022 Edit

March Edit