Wheat Island was a project started by 44cckw in September 2022. The build is an island which is covered entirely in wheat, and a giant Aztec/Mayan temple makes up the majority of the island.

Wheat Island
The Island. October 2022.
Owner 44cckw
Builders 44cckw
StartedLate September 2022
Finished2 October 2022
CoordinatesX:192, Y:83, Z:-62

History Edit

Early History Edit

Due to lack of things to do, 44cckw decided to build something north of the spawn. This region of Betaonline was very scarcely populated, especially during this period. Construction began in late September 2022. Building the temple itself didn't take a very long time, it was gathering seeds and planting them that was very tedious. The island also had to be terraformed, with all sand being replaced by dirt to make way for the wheat. The final seed was planted on 2 October 2022, and with it construction ended.

Late History Edit

Wheat Island has sat quietly in the remote northern expanse of Betaonline ever since its inception. It has been seen as a point of interest for new players, though access to it has been blocked off by 44cckw after the removal of the anti-wheat trample plugin, making griefing easy.

Trivia Edit

  • The Mayan Sea is named after this build, due to its resemblance of ancient Mayan temples.

Gallery Edit

See Also Edit