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| capital = Downtown Oak Hills
| language = English
| leader = {{User|44cckw}}, {{User|FinC121FinsCon}}
| founder = {{User|44cckw}}, {{User|FinsCon}}, {{User|Mope222}}, {{User|Norbert011}}
| founder = Multiple
| dimension = Overworld
| coords = X:217, Y:65, Z:55
'''Oak Hills''' is a major nation on Betaonline, and together with [[Paris]] makes up one of the most important areas on the server.
===First SettlementsOrigins===
====Dupe Wars====
{{Main|Dupe Wars}}
Oak Hills was arguably the main battleground during the [[Dupe WarsWar]], and was the city that was hit the hardest by the conflict. The first dupe stashes wascreated discoveredby here[[46mm]], atthe main perpetrator of the Oakwar, Hillswas discovered at the Pier and inside the first [[Nomad Hut]]. TheOak townHills was also targeted with several more traditional [[Griefing|griefs]] in April, with both [[Revert]] and [[46mm]] targetingbeing thebanned following citythis. Luckily,The damages were reverted as the server restored from backup after these incidents.
===Paris' Secession of Paris===
The Harbor department, which had been unofficially named "[[Paris]]" by its inhabitants, had grown more independent from other areas of Oak Hills throughout the year of 2022. The status of the region was further questioned by 44cckw in August that year, and it was clear that the residents of the Harbor department wanted more autonomy. 44cckw took this up with Norbert011 and [[raddicted]], who acted as the unofficial governors of the department. All parties agreed that the territory should secede peacefully from Oak Hills without bloodshed. On 28 August 2022, the Harbor department ceased to exist and was transformed into the independent city of Paris.
Paris' status was questioned by 44cckw in August 2022. While it had always been semi-formally part of Oak Hills under the name of Harbor department, it acted more as an independent entity, with residents wanting more autonomy. The question of wherever or not Paris was its own city had always been lingering, but had never been brought up properly until now. 44cckw discussed this with raddicted and Norbert, both of whom act as the unofficial mayors of the territory. Harbor department was disbanded on 28 August 2022, and Paris peacefully seceded from Oak Hills.
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===Previous Departments===
====Harbor/ (Paris)====
Harbor Department, now known as [[Paris]], was previously a districtdepartment of Oak Hills. It was considered an integral part of Oak Hills, and with the implementation of the department-system it would be known as Harbor department. Harbor department officially disbanded on 28 August 2022, though it was de-facto considered its own town long before that.
Harbor department has been used to refer to the entirety of modern-day Paris, though the original intention was to have the harbor department encompass what is today the Parisian departments of Parisian Plain and Great Golden Dunes, with Birchpost Cliffs remaining apart of Oak Hills' Downtown department. This was never put into action, and never left the idea-board.