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{{Extended confirmed protected article}}'''Norbert011''' was an old Betaonline player. A controversial name today, he is most well-known for being one of the main contributors to the server in it's early history, spanning form March 2022 to June 2023. Together with [[raddicted]], he founded the nation of [[Paris]] and quickly made his name known on the server by building many famous and iconic landmarks, such as for example [[Norbert011's House|his house]], the [[Paris Sawmill]], the [[Paris Bakery]] and contributing to numerous other builds. He also participated in most of the server's largest events, and was a central figure in the [[Dupe War]], [[Pumpkin Bandit Conflict]] and the [[Parisian Civil War]].
Although he would play normally for the most part, Norbert is infamous for his controversial actions during the [[EvilPoopMan's Reign]] and the [[June of Chaos]]. Using the accounts [[EvilPoopMan]] and UNATCO as plausible deniability, he would commit numerous crimes such as duping and griefing throughout his time on the server, particularly against [[CalmCreeper360]]. This circlespiral of violence finally escalated into the [[Lake City War]], which led to him being permanently banned from the server in June 2023.