Free Speech

From BetaOnline Wiki

Freedom of speech is one of Betaonline's core values.

No limits

There are no limits[Notes 1] on in-game chat. You will not be banned for anything you say. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Swearing;
  • Racial slurs;
  • Political debates;
  • Complaining about the server;
  • Personal attacks.


While you will not be muted, kicked or banned by the server itself, it is worth keeping in mind that other members also have the right to freedom of speech. Just because you can say whatever you want, doesn't mean you should. Being intentionally obnoxious and offensive may create personal enemies. Some players may avoid you and stop communications intentionally.

"Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences."



Although we've mentioned that you can write almost anything in chat without being banned, we have to put some limits in place.


Spam is the creation of repeated chat entries, either rapidly sending the same message in the in-game chat, writing gibberish or nonsense in-game, or repeatedly joining and disconnecting from the server. This is considered disruption of the free communication we offer, and as such is not tolerated. We have no set definition of spam on the server, and it is up to staff to personally review all individual cases. Repeated offenses may lead to a ban.

Spamming is also forbidden on our Discord.


While we have no strict rules on our Discord server, all users must follow Discord's Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.


Doxing is the act of publishing sensitive private information of players on Betaonline, such as real-life names, addresses, IPs, etc. This is strictly prohibited and will lead to a permanent ban with no possibility of appeal.


  1. Please read the "exceptions" section.