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| Spectators || [[Mope222]], [[iquad_ibal]]
On 3 December 2022, it was unanimously decided by the Betaonline community to hold a court case related to the Poop invasion of Lockedchestia that had occured, in addition to the fallout it had spawned.
The court case was held on 4 December 2022. CalmCreeper on the behalf of the reisistanceresistance sued the EvilPoopMan, dueon tothe grounds of him regularly breaking Betaonline rules. While [[FinsCon]] was originally going to be the judge of the court hearing, to be as unbiased as possible, the role passed over to 44cckw due to Fin's absence. While the court went smooth at first, it was interrupted at numerous occasions. [[epikrika]] was killed during the hearing, and Norbert would go haywire and kill 44cckw with a sword. Luckily, order was soon restored in the courtroom, and everyone managed to calm down and put aside their differences for a brief moment. The interrogation of the witness and defendant went on for several minutes. To appease both parties of the conflict, as 44cckw was a secret resistance spy, he would controversially rule both EvilPoopMan and Calm to be guilty of several crimes and sentenced them both to freedom on parole.
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[[File:Devastation.png|thumb|Oak Hills during the 7 hour anarchy period.]]
{{Main|7-Hour Anarchy}}
While the reignReign had turned into a cold war with peace being agreed upon in the Oak Hills court, it was clear to everyone that this would not last forever. The EvilPoopMan would be the first to break this truce on 7 December 2022, by building a massive "Poopstika" in Oak Hills, then proceeding to grief Calm's house by destroying blocks and creating a large lavacast on top of it. This grief would quickly get out of hand and escalate, with both Norbert and EvilPoopMan would completely ruin the server with TNT and duping large amounts of blocks. Virtually every settlement on the server was affected by the chaos, and Betaonline became a de-facto anarchy server.
This period would go on for 7 hours straight, as 44cckw was offline during this time. He would later join the server and load a backup, which restored everything to how it used to be. A world download of the destroyed world was later released, as a constant reminder to showcase all the death and destruction the EvilPoopMan caused.
With the Reign being in full swing again, it was clear to the resistance that they had to actuse fastmore indrastic ordermeasures to notput letan end to the EvilPoopMan's terror on the server, to prevent another catastrophic event like the 7-Hour Anarchy from happen again. HavingDue collectedto resourcesOak andHills' intellegal oversystem thesefailing last few daysthem, the resistance instead prepared for a final violent confrontation with the EvilPoopMan and his interns.
On 8 December 2022, the EvilPoopMan and Norbert would build another swastika on Calm's house. Having prepared for this previously, 44cckw secretly supplied Calm and members of the resistance with diamond armor and weapons to combat the EvilPoopMan. The resistance fighters managed to take EvilPoopMan and Norbert off-guard and kill them both. Furious, the EvilPoopMan threatened to cover the Spawn region in a massive lavacast. Several tense fights and clashes between the resistance and the remaining followers of EvilPoopMan ensued. 44cckw, who had up to this point been a secret spy for the resistance, geared up and engaged the PoopMan and Norbert directly. It was clear to the remaining interns of the EvilPoopMan that this was a fight they would lose. However, the EvilPoopMan proposed something to Calm.