Dankstadt is a town created by TriKhazan. The city has constantly been expanding since its inception, and is currently one of Betaonline's fastest growing settlements in terms of size. The entire city is built by one person: TriKhazan. The main building materials is wood, and unlike Oak Hills it uses roads made out of gravel. Wheat Island sits close to the town, but it is not incorporated into the city.

Founder TriKhazan
Date? October 2022
Warp/warp dankstadt
CoordinatesX:-156, Y:65, Z:402
Approximate map of Dankstadt.


Early History

Dankstadt began in early October 2022, with TriKhazan settling in the area north of spawn. This is one of the server's most desolate places, and virtually no settlements other than Wither Town exist in the area.