
From BetaOnline Wiki
Revision as of 20:34, 14 January 2023 by 44cckw (talk | contribs)
The server listing on Betacraft. Betaonline's advertisement can be seen.

Betacraft is a third-party Minecraft launcher that specializes in older versions of the game. It is one of the most used launchers in the old Minecraft community, and the server regularly gets 'waves' of new player coming from the launcher's server listing.

Relations between Betacraft and Betaonline

Due to the free speech nature of the server, Betaonline has had controversies and drama with Betacraft. Many unsuspecting new players croming from the Betacraft server listing has reported Betaonline to the Betacraft administration for outlandish reasons. Moresteck, one of the main developers of Betacraft, threatened to take down Betaonline from the server listing in late October 2022. This issue was later resolved, after Moresteck personally inspected the server and deemed it to be alright.