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===The Dark Ages===
There are mainly 2 dark ages, with one which is divisible:
#1 '''The 10 days Dark Age''' (Between 19th May and 29th May 2022) : It happened after the destruction of the main Lockedchestia in MCPlayground, until the creation of the new Lockedchestia in BetaOnline. It was short but full of paranoiac experiences and banning people from LC like happened with Pancakes.
#2 '''The Great Dark Age''' : After the expansion of the [[Farlands]], Tsar_Boris rarely came back online, until the attack on December, when he completely prohibited anybody to enter [[Farlands]], ending the third age of Lockedchestia there.
##1 '''''Early Dark Age''''' (Between April and 3rd December 2022) : The main problem that the [[Farlands]] was having was the lack of resources. During months, [[Farlands]] didn't collected even 30 diamonds, meanwhile the rest of the server already maybe have stacks of diamond blocks. Because of the low productivity, Tsar_Boris started to join rarely as his hope for world domination diminished.
##2 '''''Middle Dark Age''''' (3rd - 9th December 2022) : It was the week when the [[Farlands]] was conquered by [[EvilPoopMan]], establishing [[Pooplandia]] in [[Farlands|Kraigrad]]. The rest of the cities around weren't much affected by the invasion, and so the capital of the [[Farlands]] moved from '''Kraigrad''' to '''Starograd'''. After the slave revolt and the expulsion of [[EvilPoopMan]] from the [[Farlands]], [[44cckw]] restored the majority of the damage, but didn't gave back what [[Farlands]] had lost during the invasion, slowing down, if not stopping the progress of the [[Farlands]].
##3 '''''Late Great Dark Age''''' (Since 9th of December 2022) : Because of the great lack of the resources, the [[Farlands]] entered the Late period of the Great Dark Age, where crisis was ruling around the Empire and Tsar_Boris rarely joined BetaOnline, only to see the consequences of the invasion. Sadly, [[Schizoposting|there is still no plans fot Tsar_Boris to help the]] [[Farlands]].
====Fourth age of Lockedchestia====