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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Tsar_Boris}} {{InfoboxPlayer
|quote = "#gtlc#"
|image = Tsar_Boris Skin.png
|status = ActiveInactive
|date_joined = 23 March 2022
|alts =
|wikiuser = [[User:Tsar Boris]]
'''Tsar_Boris''' is an old Betaonline player. He first joined the server on 23 March 2022. He is the founder of the [[FarlandsLockedchestia]] settlement, which holds the record of being the town furthest away from spawn[[Spawn]]. Boris and theLockedchestia Farlands hashave been neutral and uninvolved in most of the conflicts in Betaonline history, due to the remote location and isolationist policy. Boris left Betaonline on 18 February 2024.
{{Main|Lockedchestian History}}
===2 week adventure===
Tsar_Boris was a player on [[MCPlayground Players|MCPlayground]], a beta 1.7.3 anarchy server. Over the span of two weeks, including breaks, he walked over 100.000 blocks on the Z axis, discovering old architecture and history. At the 30 thousand mark, he started to build the settlement of Lockedchestia, which became respected by members of the group Alpha on the server. The town became public knowledge and an attraction after around a month, with Lockedchestia expanding more.
Tsar_Boris was before his time on Betaonline an active player on [[MCPlayground Players|MCPlayground]]. He was remarkable for making several long journeys across the server, all of which have been documented on his YouTube channel. In total, it took around 2 weeks to complete all of the journeys, if you count breaks. If not, it took approximately 4 to 4,5 hours.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Di6bdGkQxPI Adventure #1]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhvrnJWkc2I Adventure #2]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMYwL2HfUSI Adventure #3]
On the way, he found multiple ruins of former bases, with even an entire abandoned village and a massive canal dug from spawn spanning thousands of blocks out into the wilderness. However, indications of former civilization soon stopped. After tens of thousands of blocks, no more builds were ever spotted. On the lengthy journey, he began to notice bugged blocks in the form of locked chests, which would later become integral in Lockedchestia lore. Boris also collected massive amounts of clay on the way, so he could later make bricks. To protect against hostile mobs at night, he would make quick emergency shelters out of cobblestone. Boris' goal all along was to reach the 100.000th block on the Z-axis, but after reaching the 30.000th block he preferred to stay.
Boris knew at this point that the city wouldn't last for long 1 week before it did. Lockedchestia was destroyed when it opened as a trading hub for players, as many players was teleported to the place, including the player Garfield. Garfield would raid and destroy Lockedchestia while Boris was mining. When Boris returned to his house, he found the area blown up and was even attacked by Garfield. Using alternative accounts that Boris had scattered all across the server, he messages everyone that Lockedchestia was under attack.
===First age of Lockedchestia===
An attempt to reconstruct Lockedchestia at another location was made. Tsar_Boris walked out 100.000 blocks in the [[Nether]], but was killed and lost all his resources. This, combined with the server backdoor on Playground making the original Lockedchestia being raided yet again, made Boris so disappointed that he left MCPlayground.
Tsar_Boris would build a house on the 2nd of March out of the clay he had gathered on the way, which would later turn into the first incarnation of Lockedchestia on March 9th. The name of the town came from the bugged locked chests he previously encountered, which gave him hope to persist the long trek. Lockedchestia would quickly grow and claim large amounts of land, gaining respect from cliques like Alpha, though tensions between conservative and hostile factions, like The Wolves, began to grow. With Boris' openly isolationist policy, trading with other players was not an option. Hours of mining and woodchopping were how they managed to obtain the resources to build a massive statue of a locked chest. Lockedchestia was finally opened to the public sometime later, making the chest statue a massive trading centre and marketplace. Morethan and [[Hola2]] would become Lockedchestia's first citizens.
===EarlyExternal Historyattacks===
Although Lockedchestia's intentions were peaceful, it was attacked by other people, like for example [[aella23]], whom to not be confused with [[aella22]]. Aella23 desperately tried to destroy the young nation, but after multiple failed attempts, he began a guerilla war against Boris and the allies of Lockedchestia (Hola2, aella22, Delirium_Black). This insurgency would eventually end, and Aella23 would retreat to 20k, where he would take a base from [[Hola2]]. Other attacks include the time were a person tried to light the giant chest on fire. To prevent this from happening again, Tsar_Boris made it out of petrified wooden slabs and iron blocks, instead of wooden planks and wool respectively.
These previous attacks were easy to repair, but Boris' growing paranoia never went down. He would every day screenshot his chests to notice if someone had stolen anything and make sure the residents of Lockedchestia were loyal to him. Players like [[Wodanaz333]], [[Wodanaz333|Hola3]] (not to be confused with [[Hola2]]), MariobrosWorld, FelixArgyle, BreakCore and [[ZillyArt32]] were citizens of Lockedchestia until it was later discovered that the majority of these players were spies who served "The Wolves", a dissident clique on MCPlayground that wanted Lockedchestia and Tsar_Boris gone for the sake of anarchy.
On the 19th of March, Tsar_Boris asked if someone had gold because Lockedchestia needed a valuable material to uphold their gold standard. The player Garfield agreed to trade with Tsar_Boris. After trading inside the giant chest in Lockedchestia, Boris went back to the mine to dig for valuables. However, upon returning to town, he quickly noticed that his house was ravaged and his resources stolen. Garfield, who was in the city, almost killed the undefended Tsar_Boris, although luckily, Tsar_Boris left the battlefield before dying.
He immediately joined with his alt account, StoneOfTruth.
Tsar_Boris alt accounts were located thousands of blocks around the main base.
He, after connecting back with his account, yelled to everyone who was online the phrase that Tsar_Boris will never forget when connecting back to MCPLayground:
The damage can be seen in the video he would later upload:
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuWM0X1uD-U LOCKEDCHESTIA UNDER ATTACK | .{MCPlayground}]
===End of Lockedchestia===
Boris looked at his destroyed town, all covered by snow and his massive chest made out of petrified wood being a shell of its former self. He didn't give up, however, and set out to walk back to the 33.333th block where he had hidden a backup base in case of emergencies. Tsar_Boris would grab all of the loot he had left and go on an adventure towards -30k -30k. On the way, a crisis happened where a pair of players, mainly people part of The Wolves clan, managed to backdoor the server, with nobody safe as now their location was known. Because of that, every time Tsar_Boris logged back into the server, he would encounter signs, swastikas, and threats from his enemies.
The main suspect of the backdoors was Pancakes. Arguments began between him and others, which led to its temporal expulsion from Lockedchestia, although brought back a few hours later to not set him as an enemy.
[[aella22]], sick of the war, managed to make a truce between [[Wodanaz333]], leader of The Wolves, and Lockedchestia. Although Tsar_Boris disagreed with the terms, which led to the continuation of the war.
His unfinished base was eventually destroyed by the backdooring, which led to the surrender of the Lockedchestia. He would later try to flee through the nether but got killed halfway, losing all the stuff.
After that, Tsar_Boris never logged back for 1 year or more.
Humiliated, Boris left MCPlayground and sought another server to play on, stumbling across Betaonline on the [[Betacraft]] server listing.
{{Main|Lockedchestian History}}
===Joining Betaonline===
Tsar_Boris first joined Betaonline on the 27th of March 2022. With his old instincts, he immediately began walking out to 30k on the z-axis again. [[44cckw]], fearing it might cause the world files to become too heavy for the server, set the world borders at around 20.000 blocks.
Tsar_Boris first joined Betaonline on 23 March 2022. Just like he did on MCPlayground, he began walking out far into the world. [[44cckw]] feared that this would make the world files unnecessarily large, and implemented a world border at 20.000~ blocks. When Boris eventually reached the world border, he re-established Lockedchestiagrad, which would be nicknamed the [[Farlands]] by [[Norbert011]]. While this nickname is often used when discussing the settlement, the official name is the 'Closest-Farlands LC Kingdom'. The name stems from a city that Boris built on a alpha 1.1.2 server, named the Closest-Farlands. The 'LC' is Lockedchestia shortened.
After a fast 2-hour journey, he began to make the base, calling it Lockedchestia as he did with his main base in MCPlayground.
He first made a small hut made out of dirt, and after the complete annexation of the island, he started to build a real city, with 8 free-rent wooden houses, a marketplace, a trash bag, a playground where you can play basketball, and a mine where to, well, mine.
On the same day, Tsar_Boris, as the king of Lockedchestia, abdicated from the MCPlayground Lockedchestia, giving it to aella22, part of the group Alpha, who supported it threw all of its existence, they would later rename it to Phoenix Kingdom. So after that long history, the first age has ended, beginning a second one.
===The colonisation and expansion of Lockedchestia===
Tsar_Boris didn't stop there, he started to colonize the nearest islands and lands that where around, settling cities like Moryegrad, and Derevograd and making farms like the Northern Island of the Brotherhood and the great wheat farm on the coast of the Lockedchestian island.
Because of making Lockedchestia an empire, he later renamed the main city Kraigrad, as for the meaning of "Krai" - "Edge" in Russian.
Although the official name of his empire was '''Closest-Farlands LC Kingdom''' (Closest-Farlands comes from a city he made months ago in an alpha 1.1.2 server) and with a short acronym being '''LC''', the rest of the server accepted it as [[Farlands]], mainly by [[Norbert011]]. Tsar_Boris would later accept it as well.
===The Great Dark Age===
====Early Great Dark Age====
After accomplishing some reputation in the server and gaining lands around the [[Farlands]], he went offline so many times, that only talking in the commentary section of his YouTube channel was possible.
Sadly, he will not notice the atrocities that were happening in December, when he was offline. But when he came back, it was too late. The Dark Age started to begin-
====Middle Great Dark Age====
Although multiple attacks were happening by different people over 10 months, no attack was as hard as happened during [[EvilPoopMan's Reign]].
EvilPoopMan would travel for hours to the edge of the world and later create from it [[Pooplandia]], building there a Poop-Auschwitz.
Over the next 10 months, Tsar_Boris suffered multiple attacks from different people which led him to develop paranoia. Multiple swastikas have been built in the Farlands on multiple occasions, and the town was even overrun and turned into Pooplandia by [[EvilPoopMan]]. During the 7-Hour Anarchy, the town was turned into a gigantic crater by TNT.
====Late Great Dark Age====
Tsar_Boris was mainly inactive from the end of April to the start of December of the 2022th year, [[44cckw]] managed to reach Tsar_Boris through the YouTube comments, informing about the bad news that happened during December.
Tsar_Boris would return on 20th December 2022, and learning about [[Pooplandia|EvilPoopMan's raid and pillage on the Farlands]], he went paranoid and isolationist, adding to the count that [[44cckw]] didn't return the stolen resources from Tsar_Boris during the event, slowing, if not, stopping the progress of the whole nation.
The [[Schizoposting|paranoia]] of Tsar_Boris was so high, that his nation became [[Isolationalist Policy in the Farlands|isolationalist]]. He will prohibit anyone from passing on his land.
===The Dark Ages===
Tsar_Boris would take a break from Betaonline in April/May 2022.
There are mainly 2 dark ages, with one which is divisible:
# '''The 10 days Dark Age''' (Between 19th May and 29th May 2022) : It happened after the destruction of the main Lockedchestia in MCPlayground, until the creation of the new Lockedchestia in BetaOnline. It was short but full of paranoiac experiences and banning people from LC like what happened with Pancakes.
# '''The Great Dark Age''' : After the expansion of the [[Farlands]], Tsar_Boris rarely came back online, until the attack in December, when he completely prohibited anybody from entering [[Farlands]], ending the third age of Lockedchestia there.
## '''''Early Dark Age''''' (Between April and 3rd December 2022) : The main problem that the [[Farlands]] was having was the lack of resources. For months, [[Farlands]] didn't collect even 30 diamonds, meanwhile the rest of the server already maybe have stacks of diamond blocks. Because of the low productivity, Tsar_Boris started to join rarely as his hope for world domination diminished.
## '''''Middle Dark Age''''' (3rd - 9th December 2022) : It was the week when the [[Farlands]] was conquered by [[EvilPoopMan]], establishing [[Pooplandia]] in [[Farlands|Kraigrad]]. The rest of the cities around weren't much affected by the invasion, and so the capital of the [[Farlands]] moved from '''Kraigrad''' to '''Starograd'''. After the slave revolt and the expulsion of [[EvilPoopMan]] from the [[Farlands]], [[44cckw]] restored the majority of the damage, but didn't give back what [[Farlands]] had lost during the invasion, slowing down, if not stopping the progress of the [[Farlands]].
## '''''Late Great Dark Age''''' (Since 9th of December 2022) : Because of the great lack of resources, the [[Farlands]] entered the Late period of the Great Dark Age, where the crisis was ruling around the Empire and Tsar_Boris rarely joined BetaOnline, only to see the consequences of the invasion. Sadly, [[Schizoposting|there are still no plans for Tsar_Boris to help the]] [[Farlands]].
====Fourth age of Lockedchestia====
===Longswordmen, EvilPoopMan's Reign, Anarchy and Pooplandia===
From the start of March to the end of the same month, Tsar_Boris began to plan for a rebirth and the beginning of the fourth Age, although it's probable that it will all crumble the same as happened during all this time, so no hope is still during [[Schizoposting|for now]].
Over the next 10 months, Tsar_Boris suffered multiple attacks from different people which led him to develop paranoia. Multiple swastikas has been built at the Farlands on multiple occasions, and the town was even raided and turned into Pooplandia by [[EvilPoopMan]]. During the 7-Hour Anarchy, the town was turned into a gigantic crater by TNT.
===Paranoia and Isolationism===
Recently, Tsar_Boris has joined back to the anarchic server of [[MCPlayground]]. He has recently created a third base for Lockedchestia, but this time he is keeping it a secret until he's done.
While Boris was mostly inactive from April/May-December 2022, 44cckw managed to reach Boris through YouTube comments, informing him about the events that had unfolded while he was gone. Boris returned on 20 December 2022, and learned of EvilPoopMan's raid and pillage of the Farlands. With loss of resources and the damage dealt to his town, Boris became paranoid. He would subsequently make the Farlands isolationist, prohibiting any from entering.
A few screenshots were made but not published yet.
Tsar_Boris, to cause equal damage as it was made to Lockedchestia during the Late Dark Age, raided the city of [[Dankstadt]], which made him lose his build perms. So, he eventually left BetaOnline.
His future plans for expansion is unknown, although soon Tsar_Boris may remake Lockedchestia and something more than he ever did before. Although looking back at how he played before, looks like he will only encounter failure...
* King.
* Prime minister.
* CancillerCanceller.
* General.
* Royal guardian.
Line 43 ⟶ 114:
* Major of the cities of Lockedchestiagrad, Sublockedchestiagrad, Moryegrad, Derevograd, Zhelezograd and Stargrad.
* Leader and constructor of the Railway System of the Farlands.
* Leader of the Maritime companyCompany of Moryegrad and Kraigrad.
* Company of the Wood PorductionProduction of Derevograd.
* Leader of the security and sanitary system of the Closest-Farlands LC Kingdom.
The name of his account '''Tsar_Boris''' was, previously, the account of his older brother, but later, he would adopt the name as both brothers used the same account, and so, the same name.
His name derives from:
* '''''Tsar''''' - Russian Emperor Title of ''Ceaser''
* '''''Boris''''' - The alternative and non-official name of his father and his brother.