Timeline: Difference between revisions

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Emit (talk | contribs)
(13 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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* 7 March 2022 - [[Mope222]], [[FinC121]], [[creeperrq3]] and [[Norbert011]] joins the server for the first time.
* 8 March 2022 - Server's first ban (StickyEXP).
* 8 March 2022 - [[Builder543645]] joins the server for the first time.
* 9 March 2022 - [[Withermann]] joins the server for the first time.
* 14 March 2022 - [[Oak Hills]] is named by Norbert011.
* 15 March 2022 - The [[Dupe Wars]] start.
* 17 March 2022 - [[Revert]] joins the server for the first time.
* 20 March 2022 - The Dupe Wars de-jure ends after [[46mm]] and 44cckw agree to a peace treaty. 46mm is pardoned.
* 23 March 2022 - [[Tsar_Boris]] joins the server for the first time.
* 7 April 2022 - Revert dupes a large amount of iron blocks and receives a ban.
* 14 April 2022 - 46mm griefs the server with TNT, and is banned for the final time.
* 16 April 2022 - The server goes invite-only.
* 17 April 2022 - The Dupe Wars de-facto ends with the implementation of a whitelist.
* 17 April 2022 - Beginning of the [[Dark Ages]].
* 16 May 2022 - Unknown at the time, Revert rejoins the server with his alternative account X25.
* 25 August 2022 - The server goes public again. End of the Dark Ages.
* 27 August 2022 - The BetaonlikeBetaonline wiki is created.
* 10 September 2022 - [[CalmCreeper360]] joins the server for the first time.
* 16 September 2022 - The [[Hutapocalypse]] start.
* 22 September 2022 - raddicted defeats [[EvilPoopMan]] in a duel.
* 25 September 2022 - Builder543645 returns to the server with the username [[AlphaPlayer5345]].
* 2 October 2022 - The [[Pumpkin Bandit Conflict|Pumpkin Bandit]] robs all stores in Oak Hills and leaves an extortion letter.
* 13 October 2022 - Giants are temporarily added to the server, spawning naturally.
* 13 October 2022 - [[TriKhazan]] joins the server for the first time.
* 27 October 2022 - Revert is pardoned and rejoins the server.
* 31 October 2022 - Human mobs are temporarily added, spawning naturally.
* 1 November 2022 - Human and Giant mobs are removed from the server.
* 12 November 2022 - Revert is banned a second time after duping iron and lapis blocks.
* 12 November 2022 - [[CalmCreeper360]] commits an assassination on [[EvilPoopMan]] twice. After that he gets defeated in a duel against [[EvilPoopMan]]. [[Norbert011]] commits several crimes against humanity in [[CalmCreeper360's House]].
* 3 December 2022 - [[EvilPoopMan's Reign]] start.
* 7 December 2022 - 7-Hour Anarchy.
* 9 December 2022 - EvilPoopMan's Reign end. EvilPoopMan flees the server.
* Start of 2023 - The server shows a lack of activity, even sometimes closing down.
* 22 April 2023 - [[Emit]] joins the server for the first time.