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| coords = X:440, Y:72, Z:453
'''Slimeball''' is a relativaly small city-state. consistingOriginally established as a minor desert town by [[Withermann]], it was quickly taken over by [[Hola2]] and transformed into a complex of several farms, houses and even a national park. Slimeball has been uninvolved in all major conflicts and wars throughout the server's history, instead opting to remain neutral and isolationist, similarly to [[Lockedchestia]].
Before Slimeball was taken over by [[Hola2]], the town was referred to by [[Withermann]] as '''Desert village''' or '''Desert outpost'''. While the origin of the name "Slimeball" is unknown, it is believed to be related to the Minecraft server [[MCPlayground Players|MCPlayground]], as Hola is one of many Betaonline players who have previously played on that server.
Slimeball, as it would later be known, was first created by [[Withermann]] some time in March 2022 together with [[Wither Town]],. Screenshots and other records of this is currently lost, but it has been speculated that the town was possibly populated by his signature [[Pumpkinmen|pumpkinmen]]. RecordsLike andWither screenshotsTown, ofthe thisdesert isvillage currentlywas lostopen to anyone to inhabit and expand upon.
===Hola2's takeover===
Hola2 expressed onin 29late March 2022 that he wanted to createestablish a town on the server, and started putting his plan into life on 3 April 2022. He decided to use one of Withermann's many villages aroundas thea serverstarting haspoint afor basethe ofproject, his new Withermann had previously stated that he would allowallowed players to inhabit his towns.
{{User|Hola2}} : i will start making the country of slimeball in this server
Slimeball wouldwas quickly growexpanded in size,upon and several new structures and builds would be created. [[aella22]] would movemoved into Slimeball some time in April 2022, and remains the villagetown's only inhabitant other than Hola2 to this day.
SlimeballAlthough wouldhaving continuea low population compared to growother steadilytowns inat sizethe time, whileSlimeball havingsteadily agrew lowin populationsize. The unknown entity who goes under the name the [[Pumpkin Bandit Conflict|Pumpkin Bandit]] would raidradided Slimeball on several occasions throughout 2022, and would even set up a temporary camp Westwest of aella'sthe housetown. The [[Betaonline Railway]] wouldwas bealso expanded upon by [[44cckw]] and [[FinC121FinsCon]] onin September 2022, andsetting up a stop at Slimeball was set up. aella would also drastically expandexpanded hisSlimeball house induring December 2022, makingturning it encompassinto almosta thelarge entiretyfortress. of Slimeball.
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ThereThis areis a list of several people who are currently living, or has lived in Slimeball.
* [[{{User|aella22]]}}
* {{User|Hola2}}
* [[hola2]]
* [[{{User|Withermann]]}}