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====Incursion on the U.R.E., Exodus and Final Ban====
[[File:URE7.png|200px|thumb|right|Revert being killed in his own home. 30 December 2022.]]
At this point, the people of Betaonline was tired of Revert's constant griefing and illegal activities. 44cckw would spy on Revert using freecam, and discovered that he was using x-ray hacks on 29 December 2022. This was concrete evidence that Revert was cheating, something the playerbase had suspected for a long time. While Revert was online at the U.R.E. on 30 December 2022, raddicted, 44cckw, Norbert011 and TriKhazan would visit the U.R.E. to review it. The visitors would make fun of Revert's base for being poor. After some time, fighting between Revert and the visiting players would occur. The fighting ended in defeat for Revert, who was heavily outnumbered and outgunned. rad, TriKhazan, Norbert and 44cckw would begin to destroy the U.R.E. with dirt, cobblestone and lava. Revert's bed was destroyed, and TriKhazan would begin to create lavacasts all over the Emirates. 44cckw had long suspected Revert of duping, and this suspicion was confirmed after he broke up his chest and found a stack of diamonds, which Norbert took as war loot. With the U.R.E. in shambles, Revert would trek far out into the world, to avoid persecution.