Pumpkin Bandit Conflict: Difference between revisions

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It is unknown who the Pumpkin Bandit is, though players have speculated that it could be one of these players;
*'''Norbert011''' in cooperation with *'''FinC121''' are the most likely suspects, due to them being the ones who first discovered the scene and also finding the most evidence in the case, even in the most unlikely and remote locations.This leads many to believe, that they are the eral culprits, who initiated this false flag attack on the BetaOnline comunitycommunity asanas atemptan attempt to overthrow the overnmengovernment and cover up the existanceexistence of the [[Finternet]].
*'''46mm''' was one of the first people who got accused of the crimes. He has had a long history on the server for causing chaos, mainly during the [[Dupe Wars]], so it could be possible that he has returned.
*'''Withermann''' is a major suspect. He is known on the server for creating [[pumpkinmen]], which is what the Pumpkin Bandit refers to at his Slimeball campsite. Wither also has created multiple settlements all across the server, so this campsite could be another one of his creations.