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| image1 = ParisFlag1.png
| flag_text = [[Paris#Flag|Flag]]<hr>
| image2 = ParisDepsParisDynmap.png
| map_text = MapParis of Parisseen andfrom itsthe departments[[Dynmap]].
| anthem = <hr>'''Anthem:''' "Niggas in Paris"<br>[ Link to anthem]
| language = English, French
| leader = {{User|Mope222}}
| founder = {{User|radictedraddicted}}
| dimension = Overworld
| coords = X:127, Y:72, Z:-84
'''Paris''' is a major city.nation Previouslyon aBetaonline. departmentThe under [[Oak Hills]], itnation has rich history and wasis one of the server's major places of interest. It sawhouses significantseveral fightinghistorically duringsignificant thebuilds [[Dupeand Wars]]locations, and manyis one of the wealthiest and most powerful entities on the server. Several well-known players such as [[raddicted]], [[Norbert011]] and [[Mope222]] has livedtheir roots in the town. Citizens of Paris are known as Niggas in Paris.
Paris has been involved in almost every major event on the server. It saw significant action during the [[Dupe War]], and was the main theater of the [[Parisian Civil War]].
===Early HistoryFormation===
The [[Paris Hole]] and the [[Mac House]] is the oldest builds in Paris. They were both constructed by [[44cckw]] before making the server public. However, 44cckw would eventually move out of what is today Paris in early March 2022, due to [[Mope222]] constructing [[his house|Mope222's House|his house]] in the area. [[Norbert011]] would set up base in the area, while [[FinC121]] and 44cckw decided to found the city of [[Oak Hills]] on the other side of the water. The territory which encompassed what is today Paris, would be integrated into Oak Hills as Harbor Department in mid-late March. [[raddicted]], who would later become an important part in the Paris' struggle for independence, would join the server on 13 March 2022.
On 25 March 2022, a diamond block would be stolen from the Mac House Church. The thief was never identified, since many players at the time had duped diamonds on them from the [[Dupe Wars]]. The thief was suspected to be [[Hola2]].
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During late March 2022, birch trees would be planted all across Paris. This was supposed to be in contrast of Oak Hills; a yin and yang. The birch trees would be chopped down some time in late April-early May.
===Secession of Paris===
===Parisian Nationalism Grows===
The name Paris was first used for the region by raddicted on 1 April 2022. raddictedThe wantedusage to nameof this region of Oak Hills that. Thisname would later be solidified laterthe thatsame month, when raddicted began to refer to the area as simply Paris, instead of the Harbor department or Oak Hills. This nationalism and new identity soonquickly grew larger, and many more players on the server such as [[Tsar_Boris]] and Norbert would also begin to followtake this name into use. Builds in Paris would also expand during this period, and the region would experience a boost in popularity and prosperity.
Due to the ever growing Parisian nationalism that started in April, 44cckw felt that he needed to do something before things could possibly get out of hand. Paris had always been semi-formally part of Oak Hills under the Harbor Departmentdepartment, but the territory actedhad begun to act more as an de-facto independent entity. The potsituation had reached its melting point in August 2022, and 44cckwan neededagreement towas solve this issue fast, otherwise it could lead to a civil war. Fortunately, and agreementsettled between Parisdelegates andfrom Oak Hills wasand reachedParis inthat Augustsame month. The Harbor Departmentdepartment was officially disbanded on 28 August 2022, and Paris peacefully seceded from Oak Hills, officially becoming an sovereign entity. Norbert and raddicted officially became the dual leaders of Paris.
===Secession of Paris===
Due to the ever growing Parisian nationalism that started in April, 44cckw felt that he needed to do something. Paris had always been semi-formally part of Oak Hills under the Harbor Department, but the territory acted more as an independent entity. The pot had reached its melting point in August, and 44cckw needed to solve this issue fast, otherwise it could lead to a civil war. Fortunately, and agreement between Paris and Oak Hills was reached in August. The Harbor Department officially disbanded on 28 August 2022, and Paris peacefully seceded from Oak Hills.
===Parisian NationalismCivil GrowsWar===
{{Main|Parisian Civil War}}
===Golden Age of Paris===
===Parisian reforms===
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The red represents the blood the Niggas in Paris shed during the dupe wars, while the blue symbolizes the Harbor Department; the origins of Paris.
While Paris has noa set list of rules, Norbertthat andcitizens raddicted'smust wordfollow isin law.order Killingto hens,be theallowed nationalto animallive ofin Paris,the is strictly illegaltown. Doing so will lead to consequences.
# Killing a hen is punishable by death.
# All bridges must allow for boats to pass under.
# Mention of the [[Paris Hole]] is not allowed.
# Anti Poopism is NOT allowed by any means.
# Trespassers will be killed.
# Treason is punishable by varying means.
# Taking more than 3 bread at a time is not allowed.
# Follow the server rules. (NO LOOPHOLES).
# In order to preserve the landscape, all dirt and gravel must be sourced from the underground mines.
## Moreover sand must be gathered from the [[Public Desert]], or other means.
===Modern districts===
[[File:Final_Paris_Districts.png|thumb|Map of Paris' districts.]]
====Birchpost Cliffs====
Birchpost Cliffs is the oldest department of Paris. It encompasses the starting point of the town's creation, and houses several historical and culturally important builds such as [[Norbert011's House]] and the [[Mudhole]], as well as the infamous [[Paris Hole]]. The name of the department is a reference to the Birch Hills period from late March to early May 2022.
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The Craft Mountains Range districts features Paris' tallest mountain - [[Mt. Craft]]. The name of the mountain is derived from the crafting tables partially covered its west side. The lower, north-eastern part of the mountain range was previously inhabited by [[KirbyThings]]. The [[Betaonline Railroad]] passes through the district.
====Parisian Plain====
The Parisian Plain district is the industrial zone of Paris. It is home to the Mt. Craft Lumber Company and Paris Industries Ltd. which is currently under construction. Builder's [[Fucking Processor]] can also be found on the border between the plains and the Great Golden Dunes district. In the future, a harbor is planned to be built in this district, an homage to the old Harbor department of Oak Hills.
====Great Golden Dunes====
The Great Golden Dunes is a coastal district of Paris. Its the second oldest district of Paris, and encompasses the large sand banks in southern Paris. The buildings here include the famous Parisian Bridge, Cactus Farm, CH-54 helicopter, the [[Oil Rig]], Builder's processor, and multiple houses built by raddicted.
====Betaleaf Jungle====
Betaleaf Jungle is a wild part of Paris that prominently features a "beta 1.7.3" text visible on the dynmap (thus the name "Betaleaf Jungle"). [[Mope Hill]] is located in this district - the second tallest peak in Paris after Mt. Craft.
===Old districts===
[[File:ParisDeps.png|thumb|Map of the old Parisian districts, created by [[Norbert011]].]]
====L'île des fous====
L'île des fous (Translated: The island of fools) used to be a location of one of [[46mm]]'s dupe stashes. Currently, the only facilities on the island are a poorly constructed bridge and a lone crafting table. The district was disbanded on 1 October 2023 as the Parisian Reforms took effect, and was merged with the larger Parisian Plain department.
====Îles de merde====
Îles de merde (Translated: Shit islands) was a district that encompassed the two sand islands north of [[Spawn]]. These islands were temporarily owned by [[Epikrika]] after his banishment from the Great Golden Dunes department. The islands featured a small dirt bridge and several other builds made up of dirt, hence the island's name. The district was disbanded following the Parisian Reforms on 1 October 2023. No nation or town has claimed the islands for themselves.
====L'île du roi====
The island of [[L'ileîle du roiRoi]] (Translated: King's island) was claimed by Norbert and incorporated into Paris some time in December 2022. Previously, the area used to house one of [[46mm]]'s many dupe stashes. During this discovery, a spawner was located underneath the ground, which prompted the colonization of the island. In late 2022, possibly early 2023, [[Tsar_Boris]] tried to build his town [[Campo del Rey]] on the island. He was later forced to leave due to Norbert being unhappy with the unlawful building on Parisian land. The district sat quietly for itself for the remainder of it's existence, and was disbanded following the Parisian Reforms in October 2023. Currently, the island is uninhabited and unclaimed.
====Sneed Archipelago====
The Sneed Archipelago consisted of three islands; one big and two small. The islands was controversially claimed by Norbert and incorporated into Paris in November-December 2022. This move ignited minor tensions between Dankstadt and Paris, as TriKhazan had planned to build something on the islands. The annexation of the islands was also widely unpopular with the rest of the players on the server, and the district was criticized for being too far away and disconnected from metropolitan Paris. Although Norbert and Raddicted had big plans for the islands, nothing was ever built on it by Paris. The Sneed Archipelago was officially disbanded on 1 October 2023 following the Parisian Reforms, and was transferred to the ownership of Dankstadt.
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This is a list of several people who are currently living, or has lived in Paris.
* [[{{User|dropier]]}}
* [[Mope222]]
* [[{{User|KirbyThings]]}}
* [[Norbert011]]
* [[{{User|Mope222]]}}
* [[raddicted]]
* [[{{User|Norbert011]]}}
* [[dropier]]
* [[{{User|PowerMacG3]]}}
* [[KirbyThings]]
* [[{{User|raddicted]]}}
* [[PowerMacG3]]