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[[File:CFalpha.png|250px|thumb|left|The town around the Chunk Lake. 10 February 2022.]]
'''Closest Farthest-Lands: [[Tsar_Boris]]''', our main protagonist, joined an Alpha Version server called [[AlwaysAlpha a1.1]]. As itits name indicatessuggests, it is a server that mainly stays on the versions ''a1.1.0'', ''a1.1.1'', and ''a1.1.2''. The reason he joined was becausethat he particularlyquite liked the version 1.1.1 and wanteddesired to see if there was one server whothat supported the version.
When he joined, he founddiscovered a big town with beautiful infraestructureinfrastructure spanning across the coastshore. His spawn location was, strangely, nonot the original world spawnpoint, but a secondary one (details unknown). From his point of view, bridges in axial directions went out far to the other side of the town.
Tsar_Boris looked around, entering small houses and strange bases with many furnaces. As he went around, he climbed up the hill that was behind the town so to continue his journeyvoyage.
He wentreached out to the wilderness and saw nothing but neon green grass and trees with a cool -looking floating island with his mountain far in the distance. InOn the horizon, inon the other side, appears something strangebizarre. Those chunks were mostly unloaded, and so instead of a landscape, a strange evenly distributed islands of furnaces were seen far there.
[[File:CFbug.png|200px|thumb|right|The unloaded chunks from afar. 10 February 2022.]]
Through his traveltravels, he encountered a village called Trisvist with only one personindividual living in. It had a central plaza with a tree growing in the middle, aswellas well as a cool house of the ownerproprietor of the village. He would later put aside that he was a citizen of the village too.
He explored the surroundings until when he discoveredlocated a cool -looking bug terrain, a cliff with a lake under it. The lake he would later name "Lake Chunk".
Around the said lake, inon its coast, Tsar_Boris established his village called '''The Closest Farthest-lands''', or '''C.F.-lands''' for short. A similar name will be later used for a nation that will be established later in [[Main Page|BetaOnline]].
== Thursday, 10th ==
Tsar_Boris would later upgrade his town from just a pair of houses two to four. He later added a farm on the lake and a tree farm behind the town.
He would later try to build a long road that connects Trisvist and the spawn town so to increase the population.
There isare currently 2 people leavingliving in there, one being Tsar_Boris logiclylogically, and the other usis unknown, as he joined in when Tsar_Boris was logged off.
== Saturday, 26th ==
'''[[Tsar_Boris]]''' stumbled across [[MCPlayground Players|.{MCPlayground}]] when tried to find an anarchic server to play. He loved what was left of a brewing server, aswellas well as by making a video about an anarchic server will bring 30 to 50 viewers (20 to 30 viewers than the avarageaverage).
He spawned inside of a lavacastlava cast, and the area around was defended by a "chunk claim" which prevent fromprevented any player tofrom placeplacing or destroydestroying any blocks (although on it there was the welcoming sign and a crafting table).
When he managed to exit from the lavacastlava cast by going through a hole he found, he saw a lightly bombed world with a lavacastlava cast on its right sitting quietly.
[[File:LCaella22.png|150px|thumb|right|Tsar_Boris managing to socialise. First contact with a player of the server. 26 February 2022.]]
Tsar_Boris walked around, chopping some trees on his way. He found some wool which helped him to make a bed. He walked more towardstoward the -znegative z-axis until he stumbled across a cobblestone castle with a creeper statue. He entered it and, assuming it was an anarchic server, stole some stuff.
He would later start a video of one and three -quarters of an hour about him walking 10000 blocks.
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Di6bdGkQxPI {MCPlayground} | Adventure towards... where? [1/2<nowiki>]</nowiki>]
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* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMYwL2HfUSI {MCPlayground} | Still going... [3 part<nowiki>]</nowiki>]
In the first video, he managed to walk over 6400 blocks, although, at the end of the day, he almost walked 15000 blocks. If we count, it would appear that he walked less than 1 block per second (~0.77block77 blocks per second), and itsit's the simple reason that he just walked not in a straight line, sometimes crouched, and just stopped so to look into some ruins. AswellAs well as let's not forget that he walked all the way through the overworld, which takes much more time than walking in the nether. After a long walk of 3 hours and 15 minutes, he made a small temporary shelter where he put all his stuff like Wood, Iron Sword, Iron Ingots, Snow, Coal, and more importantly: Clay.
After that, he put on his bed, made a checkpoint, and logged off.
== Sunday, 27th ==
[[File:LockedChests.png|300px|thumb|left|Locked Chests. 26 February 2022]]
'''[[Tsar_Boris]]''' wanted to get at least to the -100000 block which was far far out (as he was currently at 16662 block).
He took his stuff, his bed, workbench, furnace, and chests, and went out towards the goal. But this time it was a bit... different.
InOn the previous day there were many noticeable and cool -looking ruins, but this time, there were none. Only a naturally generated terrain. It drove him crazy, he wanted, he liked looking at something that was left by an unknown civilization, but seeing none, it felt more lonely, isolated..., and paranoid.
Tsar_Boris encountered the Locked chests in the previous days, but now, that no more ruins are seen, only locked chests, light blocks, and invisible-bugged blocks showed a unique colour on the far distant terrains.
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=== Age 1 ===
[[File:LCConstruction.png|250px|thumb|left|Tsar_Boris' house being under construction. 3 March 2022]]
'''[[Tsar_Boris]]''' has managed to get into the 30000th block. He celebrated the milestone by creating a permanent base around said coordinate. He made his house out of bricks thanks to the clay he collected all the way. It was firstlyfirst planned to be a circular house with thea radius of 8 blocks, but he would later change it to a square house.
He would abandon his wild plan of getting into the 100k block as he was already tired from all this travelingtravelling, aswellas well as he may be the furthest person on the -znegative z-axis to be ever in MCPlayground.
He was all day waiting for the clay to cook into bricks so to create brick blocks for his house.
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'''Lockedchestia: [[Tsar_Boris]]''', even when not done with his house, decided to establish the nation of Lockedchestia. He would use the nation as a beacon of light and security for those who wanted to continue walking in the -z axis.
He made a tunnel under his hill in front of his house so that people would pass through easily, aswellas well as added a sign in front of his house tellingsaying that yes, it is his house.
It is probable that Tsar_Boris would probably name his nation as Lockedchestia from his redditReddit post about the change of texture of a Locked Chest:
[https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/t7eufw/locked_chest_textures/?rdt=62949 Locked chest texture (Reddit)].
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A strange account called [[aella23]] (not to be confused with [[aella22]]) appeared. He managed to raid aella22's house when she was offline.
After he steals all the resources, he comes manages to get into Tsar_Boris' base, possibly by /tpa. He triestried to raid it tooagain, but Tsar_Boris was online so it was unsuccesfulunsuccessful. He then tries to make it as a guerilla soldier, but after Hola2, aella22, Delurium_Black jointly with Tsar_Boris beganbegins to search him, he leftleaves the plan of a raid into Tsar_Boris.

Revision as of 22:36, 30 November 2023

February 2022

Monday, 7th

Age 0

The town around the Chunk Lake. 10 February 2022.

Closest Farthest-Lands: Tsar_Boris, our main protagonist, joined an Alpha Version server called AlwaysAlpha a1.1. As its name suggests, it is a server that mainly stays on the versions a1.1.0, a1.1.1, and a1.1.2. The reason he joined was that he quite liked version 1.1.1 and desired to see if there was one server that supported the version.

When he joined, he discovered a big town with beautiful infrastructure spanning across the shore. His spawn location was, strangely, not the original world spawnpoint, but a secondary one (details unknown). From his point of view, bridges in axial directions went out far to the other side of the town. Tsar_Boris looked around, entering small houses and strange bases with many furnaces. As he went around, he climbed up the hill that was behind the town to continue his voyage.

He reached out to the wilderness and saw nothing but neon green grass and trees with a cool-looking floating island with his mountain far in the distance. On the horizon, on the other side, appears something bizarre. Those chunks were mostly unloaded, and so instead of a landscape, strange evenly distributed islands of furnaces were seen far there.

The unloaded chunks from afar. 10 February 2022.

Through his travels, he encountered a village called Trisvist with only one individual living in. It had a central plaza with a tree growing in the middle, as well as a cool house of the proprietor of the village. He would later put aside that he was a citizen of the village too.

He explored the surroundings until he located a cool-looking bug terrain, a cliff with a lake under it. The lake he would later name "Lake Chunk". Around the said lake, on its coast, Tsar_Boris established his village called The Closest Farthest-lands, or C.F.-lands for short. A similar name will be later used for a nation that will be established later in BetaOnline.

Thursday, 10th

Tsar_Boris would later upgrade his town from just a pair of houses two to four. He later added a farm on the lake and a tree farm behind the town. He would later try to build a long road that connects Trisvist and the spawn town to increase the population. There are currently 2 people living in there, one being Tsar_Boris logically, and the other is unknown, as he joined in when Tsar_Boris was logged off.

Saturday, 26th

Tsar_Boris stumbled across .{MCPlayground} when tried to find an anarchic server to play. He loved what was left of a brewing server, as well as by making a video about an anarchic server will bring 30 to 50 viewers (20 to 30 viewers than the average). He spawned inside of a lava cast, and the area around was defended by a "chunk claim" which prevented any player from placing or destroying any blocks (although on it there was the welcoming sign and a crafting table). When he managed to exit from the lava cast by going through a hole he found, he saw a lightly bombed world with a lava cast on its right sitting quietly.

Tsar_Boris managing to socialise. First contact with a player of the server. 26 February 2022.

Tsar_Boris walked around, chopping some trees on his way. He found some wool which helped him to make a bed. He walked more toward the negative z-axis until he stumbled across a cobblestone castle with a creeper statue. He entered it and, assuming it was an anarchic server, stole some stuff. He would later start a video of one and three-quarters of an hour about him walking 10000 blocks.

In the first video, he managed to walk over 6400 blocks, although, at the end of the day, he almost walked 15000 blocks. If we count, it would appear that he walked less than 1 block per second (~0.77 blocks per second), and it's the simple reason that he just walked not in a straight line, sometimes crouched, and just stopped to look into some ruins. As well as let's not forget that he walked through the overworld, which takes much more time than walking in the nether. After a long walk of 3 hours and 15 minutes, he made a small temporary shelter where he put all his stuff like Wood, Iron Sword, Iron Ingots, Snow, Coal, and more importantly: Clay. After that, he put on his bed, made a checkpoint, and logged off.

Sunday, 27th

Locked Chests. 26 February 2022

Tsar_Boris wanted to get at least to the -100000 block which was far far out (as he was currently at 16662 block). He took his stuff, his bed, workbench, furnace, and chests, and went out towards the goal. But this time it was a bit... different.

On the previous day there were many noticeable and cool-looking ruins, but this time, there were none. Only a naturally generated terrain. It drove him crazy, he wanted, he liked looking at something that was left by an unknown civilization, but seeing none, it felt more lonely, isolated..., and paranoid.

Tsar_Boris encountered the Locked chests in the previous days, but now, that no more ruins are seen, only locked chests, light blocks, and invisible-bugged blocks showed a unique colour on the far distant terrains.

He managed to get into the 20000th block

March 2022

Wednesday, 2nd

Age 1

Tsar_Boris' house being under construction. 3 March 2022

Tsar_Boris has managed to get into the 30000th block. He celebrated the milestone by creating a permanent base around said coordinate. He made his house out of bricks thanks to the clay he collected all the way. It was first planned to be a circular house with a radius of 8 blocks, but he would later change it to a square house.

He would abandon his wild plan of getting into the 100k block as he was already tired from all this travelling, as well as he may be the furthest person on the negative z-axis to be ever in MCPlayground.

He was all day waiting for the clay to cook into bricks so to create brick blocks for his house.

Saturday, 5th

Lockedchestia: Tsar_Boris, even when not done with his house, decided to establish the nation of Lockedchestia. He would use the nation as a beacon of light and security for those who wanted to continue walking in the -z axis. He made a tunnel under his hill in front of his house so that people would pass through easily, as well as added a sign in front of his house saying that yes, it is his house.

Tsar_Boris would probably name his nation Lockedchestia from his Reddit post about the change of texture of a Locked Chest: Locked chest texture (Reddit).

Sunday, 6th

A strange account called aella23 (not to be confused with aella22) appeared. He managed to raid aella22's house when she was offline. After he steals all the resources, he manages to get into Tsar_Boris' base, possibly by /tpa. He tried to raid it again, but Tsar_Boris was online so it was unsuccessful. He then tries to make it as a guerilla soldier, but after Hola2, aella22, Delurium_Black jointly with Tsar_Boris begins to search him, he leaves the plan of a raid into Tsar_Boris.