Lockedchestia: Difference between revisions

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====Fifth Age:====
* '''19 October''' : The king of Farlands, [[Tsar_Boris]] left BetaOnline and joined back to [[MCPlayground Players|.{MCPlaground}]] because of the crisis. Thanks to the help of [[aella22]], a member of Alpha, Lockedchestia has become much richer than ever before.
* '''17 February''' : [[Tsar_Boris]] joined back to BetaOnline, after months of inactivity. Realising that even the borders shrunk to the point his home became inaccessible, he decided that it was enough. He began raiding and declaring war on [[Dankstadt]], vandalising the eastern Dankstadt city and the flag.
* '''18 February''' : [[44cckw]], seeing the destruction, took out [[Tsar_Boris]]' build perms. At the same time, Tsar_Boris lost his /home during the raiding, and so never came back to BetaOnline.
==Closest-Farlands LC Kingdom cities==
