List of Oak Hills Court Cases: Difference between revisions

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Judge - [[CalmCreeper360]]
Prosecution - [[EvilPoopMan]] / [[Norbert011]]
Defendant - [[eirprikaepikrika]] ([[twighlightsparkz]])
Witness - [[44cckw]]
Jury - [[Peter_Griffin]]
Spectators - [[iquad_ibal]] / [[Mope222]]
[[eiprikaepikrika]] would be executed for his actions on the same day.
This court session was the first time the court was ever used in Oak Hills history.
===War Crime Tribunal===
On the 4th of December 2022 [[CalmCreeper360]] would propose a settlement of the conflicts caused by [[EvilPoopMan's Reign]] in court.
[[CalmCreeper360]] promptly sued the [[EvilPoopMan]] and his interns of breaking BetaOnline rules, [[Oak Hills]] rules, as well as breaking general rules of ethics.
The setup in the court room was the following:
Judge - [[44cckw]]
Prosecution - [[CalmCreeper360]]
Defendant - [[EvilPoopMan]] / [[Norbert011]]
Witness - [[Norbert011]]
Jury - [[epikrika]] ([[twighlightsparkz]])
Spectators - [[iquad_ibal]] / [[Mope222]]
However, chaos was quick to break out there too, with [[Norbert011]] going completely haywire and killing [[CalmCreeper360]] and the [[44cckw]] in court, whilst frantically screaming ''"OVERTHROW THE SYSTEM!"''.
In the mean time the [[EvilPoopMan]] would shit on the floor multiple times.
After the judge, [[44cckw]], was finally able to get law and order into the courtroom again and everyone calmed down, the interrogation of the witness and the defendant could begin.
What followed were multiple minutes of harsh argumentation between the prosecution and the defense.
In the end though the judge rules all parties to be guilty and sentenced everyone to freedom on parole.
This wouldn't last long though, as just 3 days later, [[Norbert011]] would again grief [[CalmCreeper360's House]].
[[File:2022-12-04 15.13.46.png|thumb|War Crime Tribunal Participants (Missing here:CalmCreeper360, Norbert011)]]
==See Also==