Janitors are players who have been granted additional moderator powers to detect and prevent griefing, cheating and other rule-breaking behavior.

Becoming a janitor means being entrusted with a special responsibility. Janitors de-facto give up their right to absolute free speech, as janitors are perceived by players to be a representative of the server. To an extent, when janitors speak, they speak for the server itself. A janitor's actions must be in line with server rules. Abuse of powers by janitors are met with harsh punishments.

Identification Edit

Janitors are identified by their blue name in the in-game chat.

Janitors have the Janitor role on Discord, allowing them to delete messages, in addition to timeout, kick and ban users when necessary.

Powers Edit

Unlike other Minecraft servers, janitors/moderators on Betaonline are not given the ability to spawn items, make themselves invulnerable, fly or use any other commands/powers that give them an unfair game play advantage. Janitors are simply ordinary players who have been trusted to uphold law and order on the server.

See also Edit