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*Breaking blocks belonging to another player without that player's permission;
*Adding blocks to another player's build without that player's permission.
*Attacking or killing players unprovoked.
Griefing is illegal on the server, and will result in a permanent ban.
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==Why not use build protection?==
I'dIt ratheris havebetter for the server beto morehave it be open, rather than be restricted by plugins or whatnota [[Dark Age|whitelist]]. Due to ourthe rathermore minarchist mindset, Iof feelthe server, it would be an overreach andto wouldseverely loselimit where the fun-factor ofplayer being able tocan build prettyor muchwhat whereverthey youcan wantbuild.
However, we do have plugins in place to rollback griefs and have special plugins and logs in place to detect griefers.
However, our server takes regular backups of the world. If we receive a ''significant grief'', I will rollback the server.
==What to do if you see someone griefing==
If you see a player griefing somebody, or somebody griefs you, press the F2 button to take a screenshot immediately and report it in the #reports channel on Discord. You can directly contact [[44cckw]] on our Discord for a fast reply.