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<nowiki>FinC121, replying to Raddicted:
many are saying this, but I can't figure out what they mean</nowiki>
<nowiki>Norbert011: ikr, tf is 'finternet'</nowiki>
<nowiki>Norbert011: sounds like another one of nasa lies</nowiki>
<nowiki>Raddicted: THE FINTERNET IS REAL</nowiki>
<nowiki>Raddicted: OAK HILLS IS COVERING IT UP</nowiki>
<nowiki>Norbert011: stfu 'spaceman' (clearly a nasa shill)</nowiki>
<nowiki>Norbert011: nasa wants us to believe that finternet is real</nowiki>
<nowiki>Raddicted: NORBERT IS A DIRTY JEW</nowiki>
Other players start being interested:
<nowiki>Dropier: hey rad</nowiki>
<nowiki>Dropier: what's this finternet thing you believe existed</nowiki>
===Collected Description===
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*<small>I am not crazy! I know he dug those tunnels. I knew it was in there. OneRight afterbehind my fireplace. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn’t prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot atin parisParis to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanerytrolling? He’s done worse. That mope hut! Are you telling me that a mope hut just appears like that? No! He orchestrated it! Fin! He dug those tunnels! And I saved him! And I shouldn’t have. I took him into my own house! What was I thinking? He’ll never change. He’ll never change! Ever since he wasMarch new2022, always the same! Couldn’t keep his hands out of the dupe stachesstashes! But not our Fin! Couldn’t be precious Fin! Stealing them blind! And HE gets to be abuilding builderpermission? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped him when I had the chance! …And you, you have to stop him! You . .</small>
*<small>On the afternoon of October 3, 2022, five people on a beta Minecraft server entered a building in South Oak Hills. Four of them were never seen again. The next morning the one player, CalmCreeper360 , was picked up on a roadside; dust-coated and screaming conspiracy. Creeper said he had broken out of a tunnel in hell. The player babbled a mad tale: a network of tunnels underneath Oak Hills... the Oak Hills noise... an entrance behind his fireplace... video proof... Then he sank into catatonia. Oak Hills lawmen mounted a day-long hunt, but could not locate the strange tunnels. They could find no traces and no entrances. No facts; no crime. Officially, on the records, the Finternet never existed. But during the last months, over and over again reports of bizarre tunnels and stories have persisted all across the server of Betaonline. The Finternet has not stopped. It haunts Betaonline. It seems to have no end.</small>