
Revision as of 15:23, 9 April 2024 by 44cckw (talk | contribs)
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Dankstadt is a major nation created and maintained by TriKhazan. The nation has constantly been expanding since its inception, and was one of Betaonline's fastest growing settlements in terms of size. The entire city is built by TriKhazan, with the exception of one small build which was created by raddicted. Majority of Dankstadt's builds are done using simple yet effective techniques, making its appearance reminiscent of old-school towns, though several structures has more of an avant-garde-esque feel to them as well.

Leader TriKhazan
Founder TriKhazan
CoordinatesX:-156, Y:65, Z:402

History Edit

Origins Edit

Dankstadt's origins began in early October 2022, with TriKhazan settling north of spawn. During this time-frame, the northern section of the server was one of the server's most desolate places, with only Wither Town being established in the area.

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