Betacraft: Difference between revisions

From BetaOnline Wiki
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Created page with "Betacraft is a third-party Minecraft launcher that specializes in older versions of the game. It is one of the most used launchers in the old Minecraft community, and the server regularly gets 'waves' of new player coming from the launcher's server listing. Category:Lore"
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[[File:Betacraft serverlist.png|250px|thumb|right|The server listing on Betacraft. Betaonline's advertisement can be seen.]]
'''Betacraft''' is a third-party Minecraft launcher that specializes in older versions of the game. It is one of the most used launchers in the old Minecraft community, andwith a large majority of Betaonline's playerbase using the launcher. Previously, when Betaonline advertised on Betacraft's server listing, the server was hit regularly getswith '"waves'" of new player. coming fromAfter the launcher's server listing was frozen in late 2023, Betaonline has stopped advertising on Betacraft.
==Relations between Betacraft and Betaonline==
Due to the Betaonline's policy of free speech and minimal censorship, the server has had controversies in the past with Betacraft. Some unsuspecting new players arriving from the Betacraft server listing has reported Betaonline to the Betacraft administration. [[Moresteck]], one of the main developers and frontmen for Betacraft, threatened to take down Betaonline from the server listing in late October 2022, though this issue was later resolved.

Latest revision as of 15:30, 7 April 2024

The server listing on Betacraft. Betaonline's advertisement can be seen.

Betacraft is a third-party Minecraft launcher that specializes in older versions of the game. It is one of the most used launchers in the old Minecraft community, with a large majority of Betaonline's playerbase using the launcher. Previously, when Betaonline advertised on Betacraft's server listing, the server was hit regularly with "waves" of new player. After the server listing was frozen in late 2023, Betaonline has stopped advertising on Betacraft.

Relations between Betacraft and Betaonline[edit]

Due to the Betaonline's policy of free speech and minimal censorship, the server has had controversies in the past with Betacraft. Some unsuspecting new players arriving from the Betacraft server listing has reported Betaonline to the Betacraft administration. Moresteck, one of the main developers and frontmen for Betacraft, threatened to take down Betaonline from the server listing in late October 2022, though this issue was later resolved.