Ages of Betaonline

The Ages of Betaonline are a term used to categorize historical stages and time periods on the server.

List of main ages Edit

  • Golden Age - The Golden Age is the first age of the server. It is widely regarded as the best age of the server, shaping it into what it would later become.
  • First Dark Age - The first Dark Age, often simply known as the Dark Age, was a direct consequence of the Dupe War, which had devastated the server in March and April 2022. To prevent another event like this from happening again, a whitelist was implemented on the server on 16 April 2022, which is seen as the start date of the first Dark Age. During this period, the server almost completely died due to a lack of activity on the server.
  • Second Dark Age - The second Dark Age followed directly after the fallout of the devastating June of Chaos.