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{{Topquote|1=This server is fucked.|2={{User|46mm}} during the [[Dupe Wars]]}}
'''46mm''' is the most commonly used name of a player that [[Grief|griefed]] the server on multiple occasions during March-Aprilthe server's [[Golden Age]] in early 2022. He is46mm's most well-known foract beingwas a major player instarting the [[Dupe WarsWar]] which was Betaonline's first major event, but he also targeted the server inwith more traditional griefs in April 2022.
While 46mm is the standard name used to refer to him, '''Honor555''' is his main account. The reason for why the name 46mm stuck around, was due to it being the first account he used to join the server, in addition to sounding similar to [[44cckw]].
===Dupe WarsWar===
{{Main|Dupe WarsWar}}
===Unbanning and Griefsgriefs===
46mm would be unbanned by 44cckw in early April, after the dupeDupe warsWar had officially ended. His unban was supported by the community, and he agreed to play peacefully and normal. He returned with his main account, Honor555. His normal behavior did not last for long however, as he would completely destroy the server with TNT on April 14 2022. Almost every build on the server was struck; [[Oak Hills]], [[Paris]] and [[Farlands]] was in complete ruins. The server reverted from backup and 46mm was banned permanently. He would later state on Discord that he '"couldn't help it'".
46mm has not returned to the server since, though there has been rumours floating around that he has stopped griefing and that his actions committed on Betaonline was '"because he wanted to grief an old server'". However, he has yet to be seen on the server using an alt.